Our Why
People make clothes … in fact lots of them, all over the world.
While it’s easy to picture a small local design team in our Northern Beaches HQ, chatting candidly while creating your next purchase from start to finish, this couldn’t be further from the truth.
Your garment starts in the hands of experienced farmers and moves through the skillset of our global artisans before finally making its way to Australia - ready to ship.
Without this wonderfully diverse collective of human hands, our garments are nothing.
We need them – you need them. Treat others as you would like to be treated.
The apparel sector has a shameful history in social conduct. Its brutality has been uncovered, and it’s ugly to say the least. As global citizens, it’s our responsibility to turn the tide. We really want to impact change in our value chain, and so we need everyone along for the ride.
1. Keep it small
MAURIE + EVE works with a small group of Tier 1 Manufacturers. Keeping it small allows greater influence in driving change.

2. More than just audits
An audit is a snapshot in time and represents little about a brand’s ongoing measures to ensure compliance, or in this case, the health and happiness of the people making our clothes. We feel a more holistic approach is needed and so introduce the following:
All direct manufacturers must adhere to our Code of Conduct and should expect ongoing internal audits to ensure sure continuous improvement.
We utilise independent certifications and programs focusing specifically on social and ethical principles. These are audited/verified by an accredited certification body, providing impartial insights on areas for improvement.
Rather than being prescriptive, we take full responsibility of stakeholder engagement to help everyone understand what is required and how we can collectively execute.

3. Practice what you preach
It’s one thing for us to expect a high level of ethical responsibility but it needs to go both ways. We believe in listening as much as you talk, and upon connecting with our manufacturers, heard that responsible purchasing practices are integral to the happiness of MAURIE + EVE factory workers.
Responsible purchasing enables positive change at the supplier level so that every part of the supply chain benefits. It requires a trusting, direct and honest relationship where both parties are able to negotiate and share risks equally. It also indicates a purchaser who is committed to supporting human rights within the supply base.