M & E: You designed a beautiful print for our latest organic Tee. Talk to us about the process of collaborating with our wonderful designer Kelly?
A rush of clarity for the mind and body, Lucrecia Rey Caro's artwork uncovers the depth of simplicity. Obsessed with the natural, the artist works with a grounding palette, organic lines and textures across mixed mediums for an enriching experience everytime.
The hand behind our winter organic Tee installation, we talk winter rituals, stories, shape sand senses.
LRC: From the beginning, there was a sense of good energy, connection, communication and likeminded vibrations. Not just communicational and energetic, but also visual.
M & E: What was your process from brief to final design - where did you go for inspiration and what techniques did you integrate?
LRC: I'm inspired by nature stories, shapes and senses. For this, I mainly drew inspiration from the connection with our own feelings and nature. The peace, quality and possibility of encountering your own throughts that water, wind, earth and air allows.
M & E: How would you describe your style of art?
LRC: There is no particular words as I believe it transmutes throughout my life and my own experiences, my senses and my way of seeing life.
M & E: You seem to be drawn to minimalist design concepts - what is it about simplicity that appeals to you so much?
LRC: I think Im seduced by the mystique and depth to discover in the simple. Achieving simplicity requires the passage of a very deep and travelled path beforehand.
M & E: Why / how does your design ethos resonate with MAURIE AND EVE?
LRC: The MAURIE AND EVE vibe resonates with me very much. The way the brand conveys their collections and the connection with the natural - the shapes, the simplicity, the expression of oneself.
M & E: Your next destination?
LRC: I leave it in the hands of the universe. If we're talking about travel, Europe this year. If we're talking about life, pursuing my vocation and mission through art.
M & E: Favourite piece of art you own?
LRC: I've fallen in love with several along the way, but I have a great connection with vases and what they signify.
M & E: Playlist you listen to when creating?
LRC: I connect a lot with classical music, frequencies and podcasts that provide new knowledge. I also really enjoy music from the 60s/70's.
M & E: Your favourite Winter ritual?
LRC: Tea, the warmth of my home, candles, essences, books and the preparation of my unique and special space to create.

Our latest collaborator on simplicity, rituals, shapes and senses.
Follow @lucreciareycaro | @maurieandeve